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This is the first in my Moms of Pelham Series about orthodontics.

For those on the fence about orthodontic treatment, many people are under the impression that orthodontic treatment is just cosmetic. That is just not true. In the 8-11 age group only 50% have straight front teeth and only 34% of adults have well aligned lower incisors. There are many reasons beyond cosmetics to have orthodontic treatment.

1. Gum Problems. Crooked teeth are much harder to keep clean. Failure to keep the teeth properly cleaned can lead to gum inflammation and ultimately gum (periodontal) disease. If left untreated gum inflammation may lead to swollen and sore gums, receding gums, formation of pockets between the teeth and gums, bone loss and perhaps even tooth loss. Severe periodontal disease has also been linked to an increased risk of atherosclerosis-induced heart disease. It is much easier to have orthodontic treatment to minimize all of these risks!!

2. Bite. Properly aligned teeth allow for effective chewing and distribution of biting forces equally over all of the teeth. Failure to properly correct the bite can lead to undesirable (and expensive to correct!) results such as tooth chipping, tooth breaking, abnormal wear of the teeth and even tooth loss. Also if any of these undesirable results occur you will still have to have orthodontic treatment before permanent restoration can take place. I have treated many adults who have been in exactly this position who have bemoaned the fact that they did not have orthodontic treatment earlier and that they now have to pay for my orthodontic treatment and the very expensive treatment of new crowns or gum treatment to restore the broken, cracked or missing teeth.

3. Jaw Joint. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that allows you to open and close your mouth. It is one of the most complex joints in the body. Improperly aligned teeth can cause stress on this joint not allowing it to function properly. Symptoms of TMJ problems include: tenderness of the jaw muscles; headaches, earaches and pain and pressure behind the ears; a clicking or popping sound when you open or close your mouth; or jaws that get stuck. Properly aligned teeth can help alleviate the stress on this joint. I also give my patients a splint which helps diagnose problems with the bite. A splint is a custom made appliance that I recommend be fitted over the upper teeth to prevent them from grinding against the lower teeth and to relax the jaw muscles. I am currently treating patients right now exclusively for TMJ problems.

And finally –

4. Confidence!! A number of studies have confirmed that well aligned teeth and a pleasing smile carry positive status at all social levels and ages whereas irregular or protruding teeth carry negative status. Severe malocclusion is likely to be a social handicap.

Your smile is your most important fashion accessory! Anyone’s smile can light up a room. In my 40 plus years of practice I have treated many children and adults who literally did not smile because of the appearance of their teeth. When they finished orthodontic treatment they could not stop smiling. A beautiful smile gives you self–confidence and assurance and allows the world to see who you really are!

The next post in this series is “Types of Braces.”

To Your Spectacular Smile

Anne C. Kossowan, D.D.S.

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