Manhattan: (212) 517-9795|Pelham: (914) 738-7995
The Best Foods To Eat During Your Braces Treatment

During the course of orthodontic treatment with Dr. Anne C. Kossowan of Kossowan Orthodontics, a patient may experience limitations on what foods can be eaten without causing damage to their orthodontic appliances. Many patients (especially children) are reluctant to give up their favorite foods because they are wearing braces. Patients often perceive the list of banned foods to be longer than it actually is. The truth is, there are many foods still acceptable for patients to eat while they are wearing braces.

Why are some foods limited?

Dr. Anne C. Kossowan believes it’s important for patients to know why some foods should be avoided while they are undergoing orthodontic treatment. The three main food groups to avoid during your braces treatment are hard foods, sticky foods, and chewy foods. These types of foods can stick easily on or between your braces. These foods can cause damage to the dental appliances and they may ultimately break your braces. Softer foods may be easier to tolerate if a patient is experiencing some pain.

What foods should be avoided?

Some foods that should be avoided while undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces are:

  • Gum
  • Popcorn
  • Ice cubes
  • Caramel
  • Pretzels
  • Raw vegetables
  • Steak
  • Hard candies

These foods do not have to be completely avoided, though. Foods like vegetables, steak, and pretzels can be broken or cut up into smaller pieces and then eaten.

What are the best foods to eat during your braces treatment?

There are many delicious food options that can be enjoyed while undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces. Some of the best foods to eat during your braces treatment in Pelham include:

  • Bananas
  • Yogurt
  • Soup
  • Cheese
  • Pasta
  • Mashed Potatoes

There are also many complete dishes which can still be enjoyed during your braces treatment. Perhaps a family favorite is on this list:

  • Lasagna: Lasagna is a great dinner because it provides many food groups in one dish, is tasty, and is soft on your braces.
  • Boneless grilled chicken and vegetables: Chicken and other boneless meats can be eaten safely. Chicken pairs nicely with vegetables like broccoli (broccoli may help keeping trapped food particles free of your braces).
  • Chicken noodle soup: Chicken noodle soup is a filling and tasty meal comprised of many different food groups and will not damage your braces.

It is important to be careful of the foods they eat during a course of treatment with braces. Some foods can damage your braces or prolong your treatment. However, there are many foods which are great in nutrition, taste delicious, and are safe to eat while wearing braces.
Dr. Anne C. Kossowan wants to make sure that each patient eats healthfully and gets enough of their daily nutrients, especially while they are wearing braces as an orthodontic treatment. For more information about orthodontic treatment with braces, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Anne C. Kossowan and Kossowan Orthodontics in Pelham, please call us today at: (914) 738-7995.

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